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Newsupdate May - June 2010: Europe: Russia, Holland, Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

Dear Friends

Struggle is the proof that you have not yet been conquered by your enemy.  You may be tired of fighting.  Battle may weary you.  But, struggle is still the proof that your enemy has not yet won. 

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.  1 Timothy 6 : 12

Never forget the truth of battles.  Your battle is always for a reason.  Your battle is always for a season.  Overcomers are the only ones rewarded in eternity. 

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment…  Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of My God…  To him that overcometh will I grant sit with Me in My throne.  Revelation 3 : 5, 12, 21 

Well, go ahead and get back up and going!  Something good is enroute from the Father to you today!

The last 3 months have been amazing as we traveled around the world.  Starting in Asia (Hong Kong, Macau, China) then to South Africa and now we are just finishing in Europe. 

Our tour in Europe has been amazing.  We experienced the move of God everywhere we went, seeing souls saved, people healed and believers encouraged.

During the month of May we had an exciting time of ministry in Belgium and Holland.  We did a powerful conference in Nijkerk.  We were also interviewed by Charisma magazine, one of the largest Christian publications in Holland, where they did a 3 page article regarding our ministry.

From Central Europe we traveled to Kaliningrad, Russia to do a conference with 9 churches of the city.  Our traveling to Kaliningrad was adventurous and testing.  Our plane had to abort the first landing attempt due to bad weather because we were too high.  We finally landed safely the second time around.   Praise God for Psalm 91, He will give His angels charge over us.  After landing we were interviewed 5 times by Russian immigration.  They were trying to intimidate us but we thank God who always causes us to triumph in His name.  After all of these challenges we had a glorious time in the Lord.  God moved so powerfully in the city.  This was a historical meeting as these churches had never worked together in this manner before.  Many were healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.  We have received reports from the pastors in the region, saying that the atmosphere in the city has changed.  They can feel a great level of freedom, it’s easier to do ministry and they are experiencing a great move of the Spirit.  We also did an interview for TBN Russia and one of our books; “Keys to Receiving Your Miracles” was translated into Russian.

We also traveled to the Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

We had a very fruitful time of ministry there.  We did 2 conferences – one in Estonia and one in Latvia.  In Estonia there was a great operation of the supernatural.  Many people were touched by God.  We also had a men’s meeting and Ilke spoke at a ladies meeting.   Latvia was amazing.  We did a youth conference there teaching young people on how they can be a champion for Jesus.  We had a great miracle service in Lithuania.

During this time we were blessed to have strategic prayer meetings with our F16 prayer team in Europe.  PRAYER CHANGES NATIONS.

We are also glad to announce that we officially have an RMI Europe Office, so that people in Europe can now easily donate to the ministry.  Great doors of ministry are opening all over Europe and around the world.

The first 6 months of this year have been very, very productive and fruitful.

We want to thank the Lord for giving us such favor and increase in every area of our lives.  We want to thank all our partners.  Together we are changing the world and reaching the nations.

We are happy to go back home to Dallas after 3 months on the mission field around the world.  

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Many blessings,

Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh

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