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News Update February 2010

Dear friends

Happiness is a now place.  Yesterday is in the tomb.  Tomorrow is in the womb.  Your life is today.  Today is really the only place you will ever exist.  When you get to your future, you will rename it, today. 

This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.  ~ Psalm 118 : 24

Happiness is the fragrance of an obedient life.  Happiness is feeling good about the happenings in your life.  Do not confuse this with popularity, which simply means others feel good about you.  But what you think about yourself, your character, and your own accomplishments determines your real sense of worth and value.  Life is not a schedule of defeats, but a parade of miracles.  It wasn’t meant to be an endurance of trials, but an enjoyment of triumphs.  We decide.  

Jesus said, “These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”  ~ John 15 : 11

Too many are looking to someone else to bring their happiness to them.  “But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.”  ~ Galatians 6 : 4

Happiness doesn’t start around you, it begins inside you.

Since beginning of the year, we have been in some of the best meetings we have ever had in the history of our ministry.  There has been an increase of the anointing and an intensity of the power of God.

We started the year with a great conference in Belgium.  It was 3 days of a life changing experience for those who attended the meetings; many were touched by the power of God. 

After Belgium we were in Vidor, Texas, where we saw God move tremendously.

From Vidor we went to Watonga, Oklahoma, it was a special time because it was the celebration of the 10 year anniversary of Sharon Lee being raised from the dead.  After I prayed for her in the emergency room, at the Watonga hospital, where she was declared dead for more than 40 minutes, God miraculously raised her from the dead.  These meetings drew the attention of the media and the story was put on the front page of the newspaper twice that week.  Pastor Sharon said that it was the largest Christian event ever organized in Watonga.  We were blessed to be part of that event and see many churches come together and many people saved and healed.  There’s nothing greater than remembering God’s goodness and greatness.

We were also blessed to be at the Rock of Restoration Church in Hinton, OK for couple of days.  So many people testified of what God did in those meetings.  Many were refreshed and encouraged, there was a tremendous move of God.

From Oklahoma we went to San Francisco, California.  We went there originally for 2 meetings and end up doing 7 meetings.  There was such an outpouring of the Spirit of God that the pastor decided to extend the meetings.  They said it was the best meetings they ever had in San Francisco for the last 10 years.  We were blessed to see pastors from different churches and different cities, drive, to be in these meetings.  Many were healed, saved, refreshed, ...  There was really an outpouring that even continued after we left.

After San Francisco, we went to Moulton, Alabama.  We had some glorious meetings.  The people of Cornerstone Church are really hunger; the pastor really has a heart for revival.  Even on super bowl Sunday, where most people will watch the super bowl on TV, we had a full house for a party in the Holy Ghost.  God really turned Cornerstone Church upside down during these 5 meetings.    On Tuesday night there was an explosion. I was preaching on the fire of God, after speaking for about 15 minutes, the power of God fell down really hard with different waves.  People started to shout, we taught it would be for a couple of minutes but the just carried on, then there was a wave of joy that came in the meeting with laughter, and people were running around the building.  I stopped preaching and went to sit down and got out of the way so the Holy Spirit could continue what He was doing.  Some people went into deep intercession, others were shaking under the power of God, and some people came to the altar to ask the ushers if somebody could help them get saved.  There were many other things that took place that I can’t describe.  Pastor Tony said that it was the best meeting they ever had in 16 years of ministry at Cornerstone Church.  We received numerous testimonies of healings.  I spoke to pastor Tony and he said that the Sunday after we left they took testimonies for more than 40 minutes about what God had done in those meetings.

Our God is an awesome God!  To Him belongs all the glory!

Picture 1: Revival Meeting in Moulton, AL

Picture 2: Pastor Sharon Lee, 10 years after being raised from the dead.

Picture 3: Miracle Moment

Picture 4: Ilke speaking in Moulton, AL

We excited about what God is going to do this week at Dunamis International Conference in Millersburg, Ohio at Gateway Church.  We will be having meetings am and pm from Sunday till Thursday.  We are excited to see our friends from around the world.

We are also excited about the release of our new book this week: “You Too Can Be Used By God.”  You can order your copy at www.guypeh.com

We want to thank all our intercessors and all our partners for helping us preach the gospel.

After our conference we will be leaving the country on a mission trip for 3 months.  We will be traveling to Asia, Africa and Europe.

Continue to reach forward in Him,

Love and blessings

Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh

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