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Newsupdate December 2009

Dear Friends

The greatest news of all time was entrusted to those shepherds over 2,000 years ago.  Now, this same awesome message has been entrusted to us today.  We are dedicated to proclaim good tidings of great joy to the world.  Together with our faithful partners, we are reaching people and changing lives with the greatest message of joy this world has ever known, Jesus Christ the Lord. 

The last 3 months have been amazing.  We traveled the world ministering in Asia, Australia and Europe.  Last month we finished our tour in Europe.  We had the opportunity to minister in Sweden, Holland, Finland and Belgium.  Our meetings in Sweden were amazing; the people were very hungry and were even crying out for more.  We were blessed to see such a hunger in Swedish people. 

Our 3 weeks of ministry in Finland were amazing too.  We saw the power of God move in 6 cities as we conducted conferences, revival meetings, training seminars and women’s meetings.  In some of the churches the people were very stoic at first, but it was amazing to see the Holy Spirit transform their attitudes with joy and excitement as we ministered the gospel of life to them.  There were many testimonies of healings and many people got saved. 

Ilke spoke at several ladies meetings in Finland and Belgium.  Her ministry was well liked and embraced by many ladies.  Many were very touched during the preaching and prayer time. 


We were very blessed to minister twice in Holland.  First we ministered with our friends, Pastor Johan and Willemijn.  They are doing a tremendous job reaching and touching drug addicts and many lost souls.  We had a powerful time in the Lord.  Many people were powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit.  In our second ministry time in Holland we had a great opportunity to minister to leaders from the underground church in the Middle East.  Heroes of faith!  It was an amazing time in the Lord.  We were blessed to see the hunger and the commitment to God’s work.  God did some great things. 

Here is the report we received after we departed:

Dr. Guy Peh and his wife Ilke were with us this past weekend.  They are evangelists with a ministry in divine healing and deliverance.  On Saturday they equipped our leaders in our Iranian ministry.  We were all challenged in our faith and many in our team were released into new dimensions of faith.  Sunday afternoon many Iranians were touched by God and experienced healing and deliverance.  Over many were spoken words of faith through prophecy.  At the end of the service it looked like a scene out of the Gospels with many crowded around them expecting a touch or word from God as the people did from

Jesus.  Many Iranians are in dire and hopeless circumstances and situations and long for a Word which they can latch onto or a touch from God. 

This past Sunday with our celebration service many Iranians came to share what God did the previous week.  It was great to hear that they’ve been touched physically.  Here are a few testimonies: One person who had pain in one leg for a long time was healed.  Another’s knee had been healed and another who had to take morphine and other pain killers for chest pains had been cured and did not need to use them anymore. The name of one person’s grandchild was mentioned through a word of knowledge for prayer, and the child even though not there in the meeting, had been healed!  One man who waited 10 years for a residence permit received it two days later!!!  Many children were also prayed for who were also touched.   Some children could not remain standing due to the power of God upon them and were slain in the Spirit.  One boy of 10 years said that he felt a warm sensation going through his body when being prayed for.  When asked this week if he saw any change, he said yes, he did not have any quarrels as always anymore at school. 

A lady that came with a picture of her uncle who was dying from cancer in Iran, after prayer through the photo, the man is completely healed and out of the hospital.  One person was healed of diabetes, another of heart problems, and someone’s bones and muscles were also healed.  Praise God!

Picture 1: Guy preaching to Iranians.

Picture 2: Altar call in Forssa, Finland.

Picture 3: Altar call, many Iranians gave their life to Jesus.

Picture 4: Guy preaching in Jarvenpaa, Finland.

We are looking forward to our Christmas time, we will be traveling to Belgium on Monday.

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Many blessings,

Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh

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