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News Update - October : Holland & Ukraine

Dear Friends

Opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. What if those things you see now as obstacles could be seen instead as GOLD BRICKS? Bricks can be used to build a wall or as paving stones for your road to success. You can follow the yellow brick road to where you want to be, or you can remain stymied by that big wall that seals off any progress you want to make. It all depends on how you look at the obstacles. The point is that perspective is all about how we choose to see things. Because we look as much with our mind as with our eyes, we tend to "see" what we expect to see or want to see. Changing our perspective calls for a willingness to see things differently. That's the key to developing a positive attitude regardless of what happens to us. Isaiah 55: 8-9 says: "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Psalm 84:11 says: For the Lord is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

We just returned from our ministry trip in Europe. We began our journey in Rotterdam where we ministered at a gathering of young people from different churches. The meeting was very dynamic with many young people getting saved and healed. We also had a miracle service at "Levend Woord Gemeente" in Rotterdam. Many testified of being touched by God's power.

Miracle moment in the Ukraine: the blind see and the lame walk.

From Holland we flew to Kiev, Ukraine. Our host was pastor Sunday Adelaja, the pastor of the largest church in Europe, God's Embassy. This church is probably one of the most prolific ministries taking the nation of Ukraine and many other nations around the world by storm. We were very impressed with their passion for the Kingdom of God. During the week we spent there we had 10 meetings in different venues - in churches and a bible school. The meetings were amazing. Many were saved and healed. Our God was faithful to confirm His Word with mighty miracles. Here are some of the testimonies: At the bible school, a woman came to the meeting with a tumor in her female organs, after receiving prayer during the meeting she went to the bathroom and the tumor came out, about the size of a golf ball. She was completely healed by the power of Jesus. In other services different miracles took place, including eyesight restored, deaf ears opened, tumors disappearing and much more.

 Altar call miracle service at God's Embassy.


Guy teaching in bible school in Kiev, Ukraine.

It was a privilege for us to spend some quality time with pastor Sunday. This man is full of vision and passion to reach this generation. Spending a week with him was very enriching and thought provoking. In many ways he challenged us to go to the next level. It was probably one of the most fruitful parts of our trip on a personal level.

Miracle service in Levend Woord Gemeente Rotterdam.

The people in the Ukraine were very precious, especially the bible school students. They were so hungry and wanted to squeeze everything out of you. They didn't want us to leave after our time of ministry.

We want to thank pastor Sunday and his staff for serving us with excellence.

We want to thank God and give Him the glory for everything He did.

Please continue to pray for us.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh

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