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News Update - November 2008 : Hawaii and Singapore

Dear Friends

To experience happiness we must train ourselves to live in this moment - to savor it for what it is, not running ahead in anticipation of some future date nor lagging behind in the paralysis of the past. With wholeness and sensitivity we must live in the here and now. "But what if I don't like the here and now?" you ask. "What if my present moment is one of disappointment or impairment or heartache? How then do I savor that moment?" These are good and valid questions. And the answers reside in the first and most profound principle for the art of savoring life: Pleasure lies in the heart, not in the happenstance. Our circumstances may be dreadful and riddled with reasons for discouragement or sorrow, but that doesn't mean those moments are utterly devoid of happiness. Those special savored moments of fun, reflection, happiness and pleasure give us a tiny taste of what eternity with Christ will one day be like.

 DLCC anniversary celebration.

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34 Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

Altar call at DLCC.

We are currently in South East Asia where we just completed 10 days of ministry in Singapore. Before we came to  Singapore we had an awesome conference on the beautiful Island of Hawaii in the island of Kona. The Lord was faithful and moved mightily. He confirmed His Word with signs and wonders. Many believers were encouraged and refreshed. Some people had supernatural encounters after they received prayer. We thank God for Kona Christian Church and Pastors Roy and Marcia. We had an awesome time together; they are a precious group of people that love God.

Revival meeting at Covenant Vision Center.

Our ministry in Singapore began at DLCC where I was the guest speaker for their church anniversary. Everything in the church is done with so much excellence. The senior pastor, Dr. Daniel O. C., and his church are men and women of prayer. They love the Lord very much and are very serious with the things of God. Many came forward to get right with God.

Our ministry time included also meetings with 2 chapters of the FGBM. We were blessed to minister to many businessman on "Orientation for Success." Many testified that they wished that all the businessmen in Singapore could listen to that message. Many were blessed and very grateful.

I also lectured at Bethany University, it was a special moment to speak to leaders in training from different nations. We enjoyed our time. One of the highlights of this 10 days was 5 days of revival meetings and healing services at Covenant Vision Center with Brother Francis Khoo. On Friday night we had an overflow crowd - it was awesome to see how hungry the people are for the Lord. The Lord moved mightily during the course of these meetings. Many were healed, touched, transformed, encouraged, empowered, and saved. Some people followed us around to all the meetings we had - they are really hungry. Our last meeting at China Square was awesome. During the meeting there was a false fire alarm - but the Fire of God was really burning. We thank God for Brother Francis Khoo for hosting these meetings and for the team at CVC. We also want to give a special thanks to Dave Richards for being our regional facilitator and putting all these meetings together. Special thanks to Kenneth for driving us around and taking care of us.

Miracle moment in Hawaii, many testified of being healed and touched by God.

Special thanks to all of you that are praying for us. Thank you Brigiet and Lauri for listening to the Holy Ghost. All of you intercessors are great. We couldn't have done it without your support.

Last but not least, we want to give GOD all the GLORY for all He did and for opening new doors in Singapore for next year.

We arrived in Malaysia last Wednesday, we will be here for 10 days before going to the Philippines.

Please continue to pray for us. Malaysia is one of the largest muslim countries in Asia outside the Middle East. Let's pray for an outpouring of God's Spirit over this country.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh

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