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Stop Worrying

The famous Mayo Brothers that started Mayo Clinic said if you could eliminate fear and worry from the minds of our patients, 50% of the hospitals would be empty!What a statement!

"The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me" Job 3:25. Worry and fear can cause our life to be pointed in the wrong direction. When we worry about our health, our children, our jobs or our future we are giving these fears a degree of reality. Why is that? First, such worry begins to color our thinking and if we allow it, it dominates our minds. It then affects and influences our actions. It tends to create the conditions so the things we are worried about have a better chance of coming to pass.

How can we stop worrying? Believe that it can be done. This is the same as saying that if I can picture myself as worry free and have faith then the picture can become a reality. Worry is a habit; it entered your mind because you practiced it and anything you practice in, you can also practice out. It probably began as a small negative image in your mind, and then continued to repeat itself until it cut deep into your consciousness.

Remember, all worry is a form of irrational thinking which can be controlled by thinking rationally. About 95% of our worries never happen.Learn to focus on the positive and the best outcome and remember what you behold you become.

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