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Brain tumor disappeared after Dr. Guy prayed. To God be all the glory!

Testimony of God's work in my life November 2006 through February 2007.

One week before Thanksgiving 2006.

     Waking up that morning was very difficult. Knowing that a team project was over and I had to return to a non-team environment. Driving to work was harder than usual. I had trouble maintaining control and it took 80 minutes to drive the 35 miles. Parking my truck in the lines was impossible. Stress was higher than normal that day. I got to my desk late and sat down to another day of software issues.

     Staying awake was a fight. I drank the normal pot of coffee and a Mountain Dew, but could not focus on the work. I skipped lunch that day to enjoy a full hour of relaxing. At 2:30 PM a co-worker found me "asleep" at my desk. I could hear him talking but could not respond, move, or show a sign that I was alive. After a few minutes I was able to sit back. The transaction on my computer happened around 1:35, so I had been out for an hour. When I sat back I could not see well and had trouble thinking. Also there was a large headache that was different than what I had before. I got scared as I knew I had not been sleeping, but I had blacked out. I called my doctor and made an appointment, called my wife to come pick me up, and notified my boss that I was "ill".

     My doctor set me up with a few tests; EKG, EEG, and CAT Scan of the head. The EKG and EEG returned normal, but the CAT Scan showed a solid mass in the brain. The doctor called it a Colloid Cyst. He then wanted to do a MRI of the head to get a better picture of the Cyst.

     At the time, I was not myself. I was having issues with short term memory and personality changes. The headache was enough to make me scream and painkillers did not help. The doctor told me on January 3 that the Cyst was life threatening and I needed to seek help. My 12-year-old son was there to hear the report. My son was concerned, but I had no idea what the doctor said. The first try at the MIR failed as I got cold feet. The second was set for February 12, 2007. It bothered me that the doctor wanted to cut me open. I knew that God was the One to heal me. I prayed for a healing.

     The pain grew to a point that I could not function. My wife and kids were all very concerned. All four boys would come in and play a video game with me to spend time with me. Going to work was hard as the stress would cause pain, difficulty in thought, behavior changes, and more. The team and boss could see the changes. They would check on me often. I was able to work about 60% of a week. At one point I thought I had lost my job, but my boss told me a different story of what happened.

     February 11. I went to church with a strong desire to get prayer. Much to my surprise, we had a guest speaker that day, Guy Peh. At the end of a great teaching he prayed for the sick. I was jumping at the opportunity to let God be my healer. Guy prayed for me and I knew that God would do what He promised. That night when I went to bed, God asked, "Do you doubt that I can heal you?". My answer was fast, "NO! You are my God." The next day I got up feeling chipper and happy. I went down and got the MRI and went to work.

     At work, my co-workers were telling me how much better I looked. One said I was not as green as I was. I was not completely healed. I was still fighting the loss of memory. I sent an email to my pastor to pass on to Guy to thank him for coming and praying for me. At that moment the memory came back and a complete healing took place.

     February 14, the MRI results showed a normal picture and my doctor had no answers. He wanted to continue testing, but I knew that God had healed me. My strength came back fast and I was able to shovel snow and play with my kids. At work, I told what the Lord had done. Many co-workers rejoiced at the news, and some the news went right over their heads. My boss, who wrote me up twice for symptoms of the illness did not understand what had happened.

     From the start, I knew without a doubt that God would heal me. I knew this in my heart and in my mind. My family in Tennessee were praying along with my family in Ohio. The rejoicing was mighty the day of the news and for months afterwards. I know that God brought me to church the day that Guy was led to be there. It shows how God plans and uses us to minister His love.

Reader Comments (1)

A little over a year ago, the first time meeting you both, one of the three evenings you were speaking at the Ark Christian Center, I stood in proxy for a spiritual woman and member of the Evangelical Free Church in Hamilton City. This friend was at that time receiving treatment for breast cancer. I asked if it would be ok with her if I were to stand in proxy, got the ok, and did so. After Guy prayed over me, I remember being on the floor receiving healing from Father God. At that time, I had 3 breaths gasping, hardly able to catch a breath of air. The next morning, I called my friends in Hamilton City, and sure enough, the friend I stood in proxy for HAD been suffering difficulty in breathing thru the entire day prior to my being prayed over. After the prayer, the breathing difficulty lessened thru the night until gone the next morning. Within a very short few months, my friend was given a "clean bill of health" with NO TRACE of cancer. Here it is over a year later, no signs of cancer returning, and rejoicing in the blessing of Father God's gift of healing of a wonderful woman and daughter of God. I thank you both for the blessing of time with our congregation & I lift you both for God's protection and safety on your journeys across the globe.

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