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6 Cysts disappeared by God's power

Six years ago my husband, at that time my fiance, caught me after fainting and saved me from falling down 15 cement steps. He called 911, and 15 hours later I was in surgery. Unknown to me, one of my ovaries had a huge cyst on it that had erupted and would not stop bleeding. The doctors told me that I had poly-cystic ovarian syndrome and they removed one of my ovaries. Poly-cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately 5% of all women. It occurs among all races and nationalities, is the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age, and is a leading cause of infertility.

Last summer I found my self in the ER again for the same reason. I prayed to God not to take my other ovary. The doctors were able to keep it, but they told me that I had five cyst on my remaining ovary. A few months ago my foot starting to hurt and I went to the Podiatrist. He told me I had a cyst on the side of my foot. It was so big that I could see it popping out from my skin. They wanted to remove it, I told them no.

For a year my husband and I prayed that God would heal my body. Nothing happened but we had faith. I went to the Ukraine a few weeks ago for business and while my team and I were there we bumped into Guy and his beautiful wife, Ilke. We went to one of their services, and at the end of it they called up all of the women who have been struggling to have a baby. So I went up and Guy said a simple prayer then Ilke held me and prayed over me again. I did not feel anything special no heat or tingles. When I sat back down in my seat I looked at my foot to see if the cyst was gone, but it was not. I went back to the US and a few days later I was putting my socks on and I noticed it was gone. I was so amazed. I scheduled an appointment with my Ogbyn doctor. When I went to see him I asked him to do a vaginal ultrasound. He looked at my ovary for about 5 minutes. I asked him what he was looking at and he said, "Nothing. There is nothing there."

All I can say is, "Praise God!"

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