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Newsupdate Asia: Singapore and Malaysia - September 2009

Dear Friends


Greetings from Perth, Australia!

Prayer is not merely going to God with a shopping list of things we want Him to do for us and for our families.  Rather, it is being in relationship with Him, listening to Him, and sharing our hearts with Him.  We must remember who it is that we are talking with - the Almighty God.  I have found it helpful to begin and end my prayers by focusing on His character traits.  He is the Almighty God.  He is the God who heals.  He is the God of peace.  He is the God who forgives.  He is the God who provides.  And, He is the God who is in control.  He knows everything that is happening.  He is not caught off guard.  His love is perfect.   As I consider who He is, instead of focusing on myself or another person or my situation, I am better able to pray with faith.  When I look at what God has to with work in my circumstances, my expectations can be small, but when I focus on who He is, it is easier to believe.  

In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.  Isaiah 30 : 15.

The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them.  His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever.  He has made His wonderful works to be remembered. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion.  Psalm 11 : 2 - 4

We just finished 3 weeks in Asia.  We began our ministry time in Singapore.  We ministered at a variety of events such as FGBM fellowship and church meetings at different churches.  We were blessed to see the Lord impact the lives of many people.  We saw great spiritual hunger in people in Singapore and the people have a genuine interest in the things of God.  God touched many throughout the meetings.  Many dedicated their lives to Christ and many were touched.  Ilke ministered powerfully at two women’s meetings.  It was awesome to see God touch and bless the women.  

From Singapore we went to Malaysia for 6 days.  Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim country but there’s an undercurrent of Christians that are making a difference.  We were able to preach the gospel at different churches and at some FGBM fellowships.  There was a strong move of God with great manifestations of the Spirit.  Many dedicated their lives to Christ and many were encouraged to continue to stand for the gospel.  During this trip in Singapore and Malaysia we got to visit with some of our wonderful friends.  We want to thank Georgie and his family, Dave, Janice, Victor, Baby, Sharon, Wilson, Edmond and Kenny.  We appreciate all of you.

From Asia we came to Perth, Australia.  We have already had some amazing meetings at Victory Life with Pastor Margaret Court, which we will tell you about later.  Keep us in your prayers.  I am starting a Men’s Conference today and Saturday and I will be ministering three times this Sunday at Victory Life.

Picture 1: Preaching at Deeper Life Christian Center, Singapore

Picture 2: Ministering at Grace Assembly in Malaysia

Picture 3: Miracle Service at Trinity Community Center in Malaysia

Picture 4: Full Gospel Business Men's fellowship in Singapore

Keep us in your prayers.

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Many blessings,

Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh