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Thanksgiving and Miracle Moments

Dear Friends

In this season of thanksgiving, we want to thank God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 2 : 14).  We are thankful for Jesus. Jesus changes everything - He will transform every person and every nation that yields to Him.  "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift" (2 Cor. 9 : 15).

We thank God for what He has been doing in our ministry and give Him all the glory.  Among the many blessings for which we are thankful, we are grateful to God that Reconciliation Ministries International has equipped believers, business people, and church leaders this year in 20 nations.  We have seen thousands coming to Jesus, many healed and many believers encouraged.  We built water wells, supported indigenous pastors, fed the hungry, sponsored church building programs, bought books for the only Christian bookstore in a muslim nation, etc ...

Already we have scheduled ministry events for 2010 in 19 nations - Brazil, Belgium, Hong Kong, China, South Africa, Russia, England, Holland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, USA, Sweden, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Australia, and Finland!

We are especially thankful for faithful partners like you.  Without generous friends who undergird us by their prayers and financial giving we could not fulfill the mandate God has given us.  This is a team effort, and you are an important part of this team.  Together, we lift leaders, change nations, and see our Lord's Great Commission fulfilled.  You are great and greatly appreciated.

May your heart be filled with gratitude this Thanksgiving.

Dr. Guy & Ilke



Jesus is Lord

Deaf ear opened in Alabama, USA
My ear was deaf for over 35 years. After Guy Peh prayed for me, my ear was instantly opened and now I can hear normally. Praise God. He's able!

Sandra, Alabama, USA

Healed from autism in the USA
My daughter suffered from extreme anxiety and autism. She would scream for hours, sometimes days with no way to sooth her. After Dr. Guy prayed for her she became normal. She can now communicate her wants and desires and no longer requires weekly counseling. Praise God! All things are possible with God!

Rana, Texas, USA

Healed of diabetes in the USA
About 4 years ago Dr. Guy Peh prayed for me at my church for healing of diabetes. I have been tested again and again and the doctor surprisingly says that everything is normal. It has been 4 years that I have been free from diabetes. Praise God, He gets all the glory.

Henry, Oklahoma, USA

Healed from ringing in the ears in Singapore
For 10 years my wife Audrey was suffering from buzzing in her ears. At times it was very painful. So many doctors and specialists could only give her temporary relief. We visited one of Dr. Guy's meetings. At the prayer time, he had words of knowledge about different sicknesses of people, they all come forward. My wife went and stood in the line, without telling Dr. Guy about her condition. He came and touched both of her ears and prayed. She was healed instantly and has been healed for over a year now. To God be the glory!

Audrey, Singapore

Financial breakthrough in Finland
I got a financial breakthrough after I watched and listened to Guy Peh on TV. He was preaching on 'Keys for Receiving your Miracles', with the opening prayer, "Father God, in the name of Jesus I come before you. I boldly declare that I believe in the supernatural." After I repeated this prayer many times and practiced the message, my businesses miraculously grew from simple cleaning services to banking and manufacturing of consumer products. His teaching, 'Don't put God in the box' brought unlimited wisdom & resources of God to my company. Surely the tabernacle of God is with you, Guy and Ilke! Thanks and may you not just be a container for Christ, but the one He flows in and falls through!

Michael, Finland

Healed from shoulder pain in Australia
I had very sharp piercing pain in my shoulder for over a year. Dr. Guy Peh said, there's somebody here being healed from severe shoulder pain. After he said it, there was a vibration in my hand and God's healing power came over me and I was immediately healed. Praise God, I am pain free!

Josephine, Australia

Healed from deafness in both ears in the USA
I was deaf in both of my ears. I couldn't hear at all. Dr. Guy prayed for me and now I can hear with both of my ears. God is so marvelous. He can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or think.

Josephine. Texas, USA

Healed of cist on eye in the USA
Recently you were at my church. I had a tumor-like cyst on my left eye right by my eyebrow.  I have been to a dermatologist and was given antibiotics to reduce the swelling, but was told the cyst had to be surgically removed.  During the Sunday night service you asked if people had a problem with their eyes for them to put their hands over their eyes and pray the prayer with you.  I left that service that night and went straight to work.  By mid-day the very next day, The cyst was completely gone! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! I enjoyed your service very much!

Amanda, Louisiana, USA

Couldn't get pregnant for 5 years but now have a miracle baby.
My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for 5 years.  I suffered 2 miscarriages and 1 round of fertility drugs without any results.  We then decided not to go back to the doctors but to just believe in God for a miracle.  August 3rd 2008, Guy Peh came and spoke a word: That by this time next year we would have a child. I got pregnant November 2008 and I we got our baby in August 2009.  Just 1 year later!! Praise God!

Traci, Michigan, USA

6 cists disappeared
Six years ago my husband, at that time my fiancé, caught me after fainting and saved me from falling down 15 cement steps. He called 911, and 15 hours later I was in surgery. Unknown to me, one of my ovaries had a huge cyst on it that had erupted and would not stop bleeding. The doctors told me that I had poly-cystic ovarian syndrome and they removed one of my ovaries. Poly-cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately 5% of all women. It occurs among all races and nationalities, is the most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age, and is a leading cause of infertility. Last summer I found myself in the ER again for the same reason. I prayed to God not to take my other ovary. The doctors were able to keep it, but they told me that I had five cysts on my remaining ovary. A few months ago my foot starting to hurt and I went to the Podiatrist. He told me I had a cyst on the side of my foot. It was so big that I could see it popping out from my skin. They wanted to remove it, I told them no. For a year my husband and I prayed that God would heal my body. Nothing happened but we had faith. I went to the Ukraine a few weeks ago for business and while my team and I were there we bumped into Guy and his beautiful wife, Ilke. We went to one of their services, and at the end of it they called up all of the women who have been struggling to have a baby. So I went up and Guy said a simple prayer then Ilke held me and prayed over me again. I did not feel anything special no heat or tingles. When I sat back down in my seat I looked at my foot to see if the cyst was gone, but it was not. I went back to the US and a few days later I was putting my socks on and I noticed it was gone. I was so amazed. I scheduled an appointment with my Ogbyn doctor. When I went to see him I asked him to do a ultrasound. He looked at my ovary for about 5 minutes. I asked him what he was looking at and he said, "Nothing. There is nothing there." All I can say is, "Praise God!"

Lisa, Virginia, USA

Healed from stomach pain in Australia
I had severe stomach pains, every day, increasing over 10 years. Dr. Guy asked anyone with stomach pain to come forward. Dr. Guy prayed for me and I fell in the Spirit. The pain stopped immediately and I have been healed since that day. Praise the Lord.

Johan, Australia


Stay on fire for Jesus no matter what!