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Newsupdate March 2010: Hong Kong, Macau and China

Dear Friends


It intrigues the world.  It is almost a phenomenon.  What am I talking about?  An enthusiastic, happy person!  There is something magnetic and powerful about a victorious Christian.  People are drawn to a consistent, excited believer!  How can you keep your spirit high in a down world?  Believe me, you can.  It is possible.  Regardless of your family situation, your financial status, or past failures, you can step into a victory zone and stay excited about life. 


Ephesians 2:6 says, “God hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”  God intended for us to be ‘up’.  He provided a plan to get us there - spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  Stop talking about your lacks.  Be thankful for gifts God has given you!  Listen to a preacher who wrote one-half of the New Testament: “I can do all things through Christ…”  Philippians 4:13.  “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors…”  Romans 8:37.   

To stay enthusiastic you need to have the right concepts.

Paul had the right concept of God.

Paul had the right concept of satan.

Paul had the right concept of people.

Paul had the right concept of himself.

The apostle Paul: God’s idea of a winner.  And Paul stayed up… in a down world!



We just arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa after an awesome time of ministry in Hong Kong, Macau and China. 

A few years ago the Lord gave us a vision that we call, ‘Look to the East’.  The vision is about reaching China and Asia.  We are so blessed to see that the vision is coming to pass step by step.  The last 2 weeks we spent time ministering in Hong Kong, Macau and China.  For the last 15 years Hong Kong and Macau became Chinese territory.  Prior to that Hong Kong was a British colony and Macau was a Portuguese colony. 


We started our time of ministry in Hong Kong where we spoke at a Holy Spirit conference organized by the FGBMI.  It was an amazing time where we could train and minister to businessmen about how to display the championship quality of God by applying Kingdom principles in their business.  Ilke also had a special meeting with many Asian women.  Her meeting was very well attended.  Many women were mightily touched by the Holy Spirit.


We also ministered in different churches where we saw God do a lot of miracles.  There was an outpouring of healing with many deaf people healed.  After we ministered at a church, there was an outbreak of many healings in the next services.  We received many testimonies of different healings.  In one service there was a Chinese television station that was doing a report on the meeting and interviewed us after the meeting about the supernatural.


I also preached at the Passover dinner at the Ark of Noah, a replica of the Ark of Noah, a touristic attraction in Hong Kong.

We were also interviewed about miracles and did a photo shoot for Happy Men, a secular men’s magazine.


From Hong Kong we took a ferry and traveled to Macau to speak at an Easter service. 


We were very excited to travel to mainland China.  We had the opportunity to visit and minister to the leaders of some underground and city churches.  We were so impressed by their passion, hunger and dedication to the Lord.  Many of them are real champions for God who are not afraid to lay down their life to reach their generation in their nation.  We were blessed to hear some of the wonderful stories of what God is doing throughout the nation.  Great doors are opening for us to minister in China.  We look forward to our time of ministry in China next year.


We want to thank our friend Hugo and the leadership team of the FGBMI in Hong Kong for making our stay wonderful.


Special thanks to all our intercessors and people that are praying for us.  Thanks to all our partners, we couldn’t have done it without you.  You are a major part of all these great victories for the Kingdom.


We want to give all the glory and praise to God who never ceases to amaze us.


We landed safely in Johannesburg and are already having a great time in the Lord.

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Many blessings,


Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh