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Newsupdate April 2010: South Africa

Dear Friends

Godly memory is the miracle magnet, attracting you back to your Father’s House.  We must stay long enough in the secret place to create a memory.  Memory is the gift of God linking you to your restoration.  Memory is the catalyst for repentance.  You will only return to a place of pleasure. Satan cannot steal your memories.  That was the secret revealed in the sensational return of the prodigal to His Father’s house.  His money was stolen.  His friends were gone.  His self-confidence was shattered.  But, His memories remained.  You must stay long enough in the secret place to create a memory of pleasure, change and strength.  If you leave to soon, before the Holy Spirit talks to you, you may become reluctant to return. 

How long should you stay?

Stay long enough to change, for pain to leave and for love to emerge. (Psalm 30: 5)

Stay long enough for your hope to be birthed again.  (Psalm 119: 81)

Stay long enough to recapture your motivation.  (Philippians 4: 13)

Stay long enough for confusion to disappear.  (1 Corinthians 14: 33)

Stay long enough to receive His complete plan for achieving your goal.  (Jeremiah 29: 11)

Always exit the secret place with expectation.  Nothing will occur today that you and the Holy Spirit cannot handle together.

Lord, I pray today that you will unleash a new passion for Your presence in my dear friends today.  Schedule a visitation that will be impossible for them to ever doubt.  In Jesus’ name.


After our wonderful trip in China, Hong Kong and Macau we went to South Africa.  We had an amazing time of ministry there. 

We started our trip in Johannesburg where we spoke at a church anniversary.  The theme of the conference was: Live in the Dream.  The conference was well advertised on Christian radio and TV around Africa.  Living Life Ministries did a tremendous job with an amazing musical production.  It was amazing to see how people can use their God given talent with art and music to preach the gospel.  Many were touched by the power of God as we ministered at the Mosaiek Theatre and at Living Life Church.

We also ministered at Durban Christian Center, Phoenix and Durban.  There was an amazing move of God.  The power of God fell so hard on Sunday morning in Phoenix.  The atmosphere was charged with so much power.  Everybody was touched and the pastor asked us to extend the meetings.  We changed our flight schedule and stayed 2 days longer in Phoenix for some life-changing meetings.  Later the pastor told me that he wished we could have extended the meetings for 1 more week.  We enjoyed spending some time with Dr. Fred Roberts.

From Durban, we flew to Cape Town to minister at “You are Born for This” conference.  It was a wonderful conference that brought people from around the city together.  It was good to see different pastors and ministers from around the city.  Legacy Life did a good job organizing this great conference.  They told us that they recorded over a 100 salvations.  It was a great time in the Lord where many lives were changed and people were inspired to pursue their God given destiny and purpose.  We were also blessed to do a leadership training session.

Our time in South Africa was very productive and fruitful!  We received so many testimonies of what the Lord did during all the meetings with healings, miracles, restoration, deliverances and salvations.

It was also a blessing to spend some quality time with good friends in South Africa. 

From South Africa we flew to Belgium where we ministered in Ichthus, Kortrijk.  We also had a great time of prayer with our intercessors from Europe.  Prayer changes nations! 

We are traveling to Russia today and will be ministering in different countries in Europe for the next month.

We thank God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus.

Thanks to all our partners and intercessors.  We love you!

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Many blessings

Dr. Guy & Ilke