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New Update Hong Kong - June 2016

Dear Friends: 

After being in Europe for 10 weeks and in Hong Kong for 2 weeks we are glad to be back home in the USA. We had 12 very successful and fruitful weeks.

I want to encourage you to Remain Stable in Every Situation.

God’s Word teaches us to remain stable during every storm of life. The first mistake we often make is listening to the “This is just too hard” lie. Satan is a liar, and he always puts thoughts into our minds that say we are not capable, can’t, won’t, and never will be able to do what God has asked of us. The devil is a glass-half-empty guy, but God always sees the glass as full and overflowing. Choose to adopt God’s attitude and be an “I-think-I-can” person, instead of an “I-think-I-can’t” person. If you believe you can remain stable and control your emotions even during times in which it is difficult to do so, you will find God working through your faith and enabling you to do what you believe. God gives me the strength I need to remain stable in all circumstances. Psalm 91:1 NKJV He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.


Hong Kong Update

We started our ministry time in Hong Kong with 3 miracle services at The Praise Assembly in North Point, Hong Kong and Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. The services were full of compound demonstration and manifestation of God’s power. There was such a great hunger and expectation when we arrived. We received reports that after our visit at the North Point church that something had shifted in the atmosphere of the church after we left. The pastor said that they were inspired and impacted to learn how to go deeper in the supernatural.


Click here to watch some of the testimonies of Praise Assembly in North Point, Hong Kong.

Praise Assembly - North Point – Hong Kong

After North Point we ministered on Saturday evening and Sunday at Praise Assembly in Tsuen Wan.  There was an outbreak of healings, miracles, signs and wonders. Deaf ears were opened, someone with a broken knee cape got healed, eye sight was restored, a crooked back was straightened, and more.  Many church members brought sick friends and relatives. The church was packed and the overflow room was also full.

Praise Assembly – Tsuen Wan – Hong Kong

Testimonies Praise Assembly – Tsuen Wan – Hong Kong

Miracle Moment: Deaf Ear Opened – Hong Kong

Click here to watch the testimony of a deaf ear that was opened

Miracle Moment: Eyesight Restored – Hong Kong

Click here to watch the testimony of eyesight that was restored

Click here to watch the testimonies of floaters in eyes that disappeared

Miracle Moment: Kneecap healed – Hong Kong

Click here to watch the testimony of a broken kneecap that was healed

Click here to watch the testimony of a crooked back that became straight

 Click here to watch testimonies of healing in Tsuen Wan

 Click here to watch the testimonies of healing in Hong Kong

 We were blessed to see that leaders of this church made sure that the kids received prayer in every service.

Praying for the Kids – Hong Kong

We were told that in Hong Kong, that signs and wonders are not the norm and that it was very unusual to see so many people healed in every meeting.

After our dynamic weekend, I was the keynote speaker at the celebration of the 34th anniversary of the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship in Hong Kong.  It was a banquet where many unsaved people were invited. Many people gave their life to Jesus for the first time. It was a beautiful sight to see. 


34th Anniversary Celebration FGBMFI – Hong Kong


34th Anniversary Banquet FGBMFI – Hong Kong


Altar Call Evangelistic Banquet FGBMFI – Hong Kong


Ilke praying for a Miss – Hong Kong

Special testimonies of healing during the banquet:

   Long distance healing

Miss Hong Kong and Miss Asia 2007 heard about the miracles that were taking place in our meetings. She decided to attend the FGBMF banquet. She came for prayer for her sister in law who was very sick in ICU at the hospital. She stood in proxy for her sister as we prayed for her. The next day her sister was dismissed from the hospital completely healed by the power of God. Two days later she came to testify about her sister in law’s healing at one of our meetings at another church. It was so amazing to see that Miss Hong Kong and Miss Asia – a person that is known everywhere in Hong Kong and Asia - came to testify and give God the glory.

With Miss Asia and Miss Hong Kong - Grace Cheung

  •      Prostate healed

A man with a severe prostate problem was also healed during the banquet. Every 2 hours he had to use the bathroom. The day after he received prayer at the banquet, he went to work without going to the bathroom for 8 hours. For the first time in a very long time he slept through the night. His prostate was completely healed.

I also spoke to several businessmen from different companies at an office during their lunch break. I talked about some principles on how to win at work and run an efficient company and God’s plan for the release of wealth and end evangelism in the end time.

Sharing with Business Men – Hong Kong

We also went to pray for one of the church leaders at the hospital.

Praying for the sick at the hospital in Hong Kong

We also had a meeting at a church in Central Hong Kong. So many signed up for the meeting but there was not enough room to accommodate them. Many had to be turned back because there was no space. Many sick people came to the meeting. Many gave their life to Jesus. They sent us the testimony of man that was shocked that his deaf ear was open. 

We finished our ministry time in Hong Kong at City Church Hong Kong. We started with a leaderships training on Saturday night. I taught on characteristics of a Kingdom leader.  The pastors were very touched and grateful for the ministry insight and said the teaching was what they needed.

Training leaders in Hong Kong

On Sunday morning we had an electric service. So many people came for the first time to church. The building was packed. The atmosphere was charged. Many gave their lives to Jesus. I preached on Power Surge and the power really surged!


City Church – Hong Kong

Here is what Pastor Ryan said about the meeting: One of the best days ever at City Church today! Dr. Guy Peh was on fire! We saw over 15 people saved and many people healed.

Even though we had a great time in Hong Kong and Europe, we are excited to be home in the USA.  

Thanks to all our partners and prayer partners. Together we can do more. We so appreciate all your support.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke