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News Update Europe - November 2015

Dear Friends:

We just finished 7 amazing weeks of ministry in Europe. We just want to encourage you with a word for the last stretch of the year. 

Ships don't sink because of the water AROUND them.

Ships sink because of the water that gets IN them.

Don't let what happens around you get inside you and weigh you down.

Stay up! Don’t give up! Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Break The Tape

Here we are in the final 50-plus days of 2015. You have gone the distance this year. By Gods grace you have invested a massive amount of time, energy, effort, sacrifice and dedication to put yourself here in this position. But it will be this last leg that will determine if your entire year ends strong as a success or as you hobbling across the finish line at the back of the pack. That difference will be determined NOW, right now in this moment. Lose another week or two and you will be too far behind to recover. Will you dig deep, double down and put in that last kick to finish strong and achieve your goals? To do so here is what you want to fixate on: “Breaking the tape”.

Lessons about the race: 

Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

We just got home to Dallas, Texas after 7 great weeks of ministry in Europe. Here are some of the highlights of our trip.

Oxford, England

Our time in Oxford was amazing. Many got touched during the prayer and healing conference.

This lady was touched powerfully by the Lord.

Click here to watch her testimony.

This former atheist girl gave her life to Jesus at 'The Prayer and Healing Conference' in Oxford, England.

We serve a God of miracles.  Many testified of being healed and touched by the power of God.

Click here to see miracles of healing in Oxford, England. 

Click here to see signs and wonders in Oxford, England.

On Sunday October 12th 2014 a couple walked up to Ilke after our service in Oxford, England to have their book signed. Ilke prayed for them to have a baby. She told them that the next time we come to Oxford that they will have a baby. The same day Ilke prayed for them is the day they got pregnant. This miracle baby boy was 3 months old on our visit this year! Jesus is so awesome! Glory!

Click here to watch the testimony of this miracle baby.


We love Belgium and have a special burden and passion to minister and love the people there.  We thank God for the opportunity He has given us to serve together with so many wonderful leaders, pastors and prayer warriors.  We are blessed to be co-workers with them in the Belgian field.

We ministered at the Impact Conference in Mouscron. Many were healed and touched.  Many people’s ears got healed. 

This lady has a computer chip and tubes in her head that drains the water from her head.  She suffered excessive water in the brain.  Since the computer was implanted she was in constant pain and could not hear from her right ear for the last 10 years and was taking 70 pills a day.  God took the pain away and she could hear perfectly.  God is so amazing.

We also organized in collaboration with different churches in the region for a ‘Personal Development Conference’. I taught on the subject of Personal Growth, Winning in Relationships and Winning with Finances.

We got together twice in the last 7 weeks with some senior pastors from West Flanders.  We prayed together and another evening we fellowshipped together. Unity is not uniformity. Psalm 133:1-2 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments.

Ilke preached an amazing message at her home church in Belgium. She was translated by her mom. The legacy continues.


We had a wonderful time of ministry in Kassel, Germany.  God touched many. There was a great operation of the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit, The Genius, revealed many things through the word of knowledge and prophecy.

Ede, The Netherlands

We had a strategic meeting with pastors and ministry leaders in Ede in preparation of future ministry events in the city.  We love to work with leaders in the Body of Christ.

London, England

It was wonderful to be part of the anniversary celebration of Destiny Christian Centre.  It was a powerful time in the Lord.  Lovely people!  Awesome God!

Welwyn Garden City, England

We enjoyed our time of ministry at Herts International Church. We have ministered in this church for many years - so many wonderful people and awesome pastors.  The Lord has healed and touched many people over the years through our ministry in this church. It’s so exciting to get there and to see the expectation and the excitement of the people.

Click here to watch the testimonies of Herts International Church.

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

We had a powerful time at the ‘Kingdom Come Conference’.

Ilke started the event with an awesome ladies meeting.  My princess preached in Dutch. I could not understand what she was saying but I surely knew by the crowd’s response that so many ladies got blessed. There was an awesome move of God.

The conference was powerful. The presence of God was so strong in worship; the people came with expectation and the Spirit of God moved mightily through preaching and the gifts of the Spirit.  It’s always great to be with pastor friends that you have a history with.

We will be traveling and ministering in the USA the next few weeks:

We want to thank God, all our partners and intercessors. Together we can do more.

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Love and blessings

Guy & Ilke