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News Update Ghana and Europe - August 2015

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Oxford, England.

It’s time to drop it like it's hot...all the doubt, worry, frustration, stress and anxiety that has been robbing you of your health or causing you to lose sleep at night. Decide to live your life looking forward... not backward.

Philippians 3 : 13 - 14 ESV

But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

We just got to Oxford and are looking forward to ministering at the Prayer and Healing Conference. Since we wrote you last, we ministered in the nations of Ghana and Belgium. 

In Ghana we were guest speakers at the ‘Arise and Shine Conference’ at Agape New Testament Church. The conference was organized to celebrate the church’s 8th anniversary.

We did a special radio interview before the conference at a very popular radio station in Accra.

We ministered in 8 meetings.  The meetings were filled with the presence of God. Many testified of being healed and touched by the power of God. 

I did a special training on the supernatural on Saturday morning. Many received words of knowledge and visions for the first time during the activation exercise for the first time and prayed for people and many were healed.

Ilke did a special women’s event on Saturday morning. Ilke’s meeting was so packed they had to turn some ladies away.  She prayed for hours ministering individually to every attendee. 

The conference was well attended; God moved powerfully. 

Here is what some people who attended the conference said:

“Arise Conference 2015 was such a powerful time of ministry and blessings!”

Bruce who attended said:  “Powerful anointing service, people were healed, delivered. I received my healing of shoulder injury. We give all the glory to God almighty.”

Ladona said: “What a great third night at Arise Conference!! God has moved so powerfully this week.”

Mykel said: “ARISE Conference was incredible, as Guy and Ilke were led by Abba. A few hundred people came up for salvation and rededication, at least 50 known healings and a packed house of sons and daughters.”

While in Ghana we also got to visit and spend some time at the church’s orphanage. We enjoyed spending time with the kids. The church is doing a great job with their school and orphanage, providing home, shelter and education that will create a future for them.

It was this beautiful, precious, little girl at the Agape House orphanage in Accra, Ghana’s 7th birthday. I asked her what she wanted do when she grows up. She said: “I want to be a medical doctor.”

This goat is the pet of the orphanage we visited in Ghana. Pastor Richard received it as a gift when he went to preach in a remote village in Ghana. He gave a very skinny goat (they could count the ribs) to the orphanage to prepare goat meat for Easter. The kids loved the goat. It became their pet. On the day they were going to kill the goat for Easter someone brought goat meat for the orphans and the goat pet was sparred. God was faithful.

After Ghana, our next ministry assignment took us to Belgium. We organized a prayer meeting for senior pastors from different churches in the West Flanders region. The prayer meeting was powerful as we interceded for the nation of Belgium and the churches in Belgium. Unity is not the same as uniformity.

We also organized in collaboration with churches in the region a ‘Personal Development Conference’, I taught on the subject of Personal Growth, Winning in Relationships and Winning with Finances.

People attending the conference were so thankful, inspired and excited.

We are excited about our time in Oxford and are anticipating a great move of God. 

Keep us in your prayers.

Continue to reach forward in Him.


Guy & Ilke Peh

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