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News Update Lithuania & Latvia - June 2012

Dear Friends:

We had an incredible time of ministry in Latvia and Lithuania. 

Lithuania is located between Latvia and Belarus.  Lithuania was the last European nation to hear the gospel.  There’s a huge need there for spirit filled churches, ministries,…  We did an equipping conference where we thaught pastors, church leaders and believers how to operate in the supernatural.  We had a great time.

In Latvia we ministered in Vinspiels and Riga.  The churches in Latvia were harshly persecuted under both the Nazis and the Communists. Religious freedom since 1988 has allowed many to return to the Church. The post-independence religious bubble has burst, and although many people are members of a church only a small minority of the population attends church regularly.

We really had a blast in Latvia.  In Vinspiels we taught on how to operate in the gifts of the word of knowledge, healing and prophecy.  It was so cool to see many people getting words of knowledge, prophecy for the first time and to see people being used by God to pray for the sick and see them healed for the first time in their life.  There were many testimonies of people being healed as other believers prayed for them.  God wants to use every one in the Body of Christ.  There’s a place for you and me on the platform of the Kingdom of God. We also enjoyed spending time with our friends pastor Maris and his family.

In Riga we ministered at ‘Take a Stand’ youth conference.  It was amazing to see so many young people hungry for God, responding to altar calls in different sessions, as I taught on the fire of God, overcoming lust and the power of a focused life.  On Saturday night the church organized an amazing concert.  I got to share my testimony and give an altar call for people to get saved.  It was great to see young people getting saved.

On Sunday morning, on Pentecost, there was a powerful move of God, we prayed for people to get healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.  We received a testimony from the pastor about a woman that was healed of cancer.

Ilke did a powerful ‘Woman, You are God’s Masterpiece’ meeting.  Hundreds of women came to the meeting and the altar call was packed.

We enjoyed our time with pastor Vilnis and his family.  We love them dearly; they are truly great people of God!  We enjoyed the Latvian people and the great food.

We thank God for His faithfulness and we thank all our financial partners and prayer partners.  You are making the difference in the nations through your prayers and giving.

We are excited to be home for a couple of days.  We are finishing writing a new book.

We will be leaving for Europe and Africa in 1 week.

God is faithful to keep every promise he makes.  Suppose I told you that I know a person who keeps every promise he makes, would you believe me?  What if I added that not only does this person keep every promise made but keeps them exactly as they were promised without modifying them one bit. Would that be harder to believe? Well, suppose I said I know a person who not only keeps every promise exactly as it was promised but also delivers on the promise at the time promised? That would be even harder to believe! There are very few of us who actually know any individuals who are able to keep all of their promises. We do know of many who work very hard to keep their promises, but are often sidetracked by circumstances beyond their control. If I told you I knew a human being that could guarantee a delivery on every promise I wouldn't be telling the truth; but while no human being can guarantee delivery, God can.  If we look back we'll quickly see that despite all of its ups and downs, good days and bad days, God has delivered his promises to us, just as He said!  What has God promised us? He has never promised that there would be no mountains; He did promise strength for the mountains. He never promised that we would not walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but He did promise to walk with us. He never promised to immunize us from sickness or trouble, but He did promise that He would deliver us and lead us away from temptation if we ask him. Moreover, He promised to be with us always, in every situation and circumstance and to be only a prayer away.  As Christians, we praise God for his faithfulness to us and give him praise for his wonderful works in our lives. He has been faithful toward us in the past and we expect him to do the same in the days ahead. Today, step forward with anticipation that God is going to do something wonderful!

We are only half way into the year.  It’s only half-time.  If you are down on the count and discouraged, don’t give up.  There’s still a second half.  We are on the winning team and God plays until He wins.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke

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