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Annual Report 2011 / January 2012

Greetings from Northern California.  Since the beginning of the year we have been experiencing an amazing move of God in Katy and Vidor, TX and the last few days we have been in Pittsburgh, Stockton, and Roseville, CA.  God is doing great things.  Below is our annual report and a word to encourage you this year about change.

From Notion to Motion 

Have you made plans to change anything this year? While no one should simply change for the sake of changing, there are some things we need to change to come closer to the Christian ideal. We may need to change our diet to improve our health.  We may need to change our financial practices to get control of our business affairs. We may need to change our bible study and worship habits to improve our spirituality. We may need to change our general attitude about life to enjoy its bounties fully. What is certain, those who do not change anything will probably get no further than they have in the past. 

Every year on January 1st at 12 am, people celebrate New Year’s Day and wish each other well for the upcoming year. Happy New Year!! Happy New Year!! Many people at that time begin to set goals for the New Year by making New Year’s resolutions. As the year goes by, they continue to make the same old choices and decisions. They change nothing about their life and wonder why the year was not so “new” to them. The truth of the matter is: Unless there is a new you, there will not be a new year. The definition of “insanity” is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. 55 percent of Americans keep their New Year’s resolutions for 1 month, 40 percent for 6 months and 19 percent for 2 years. You must ask yourself, “Do I continue to do the same things over and over again and wonder why things in my life don’t change?”

There is an old riddle that says, two toad frogs sat on a stump. One took a notion to jump off, how many are left?  Two!  One took a notion to jump, but that’s all. Many of us have a notion motion.  We take a notion to improve ourselves but more often than not, our notions never translate to motion. If we are to personally progress in our spiritual relationship with God it must be more than just a notion.  If you’ve decided to save money toward the house of your dreams, put some motion in your notion! If you’ve decided to spend more time with your family, put some motion in your notion! If you’ve decided to improve your grades in school, put some motion in your notion! If we do everything the same we get the same result. If we do the same thing we did last year, we end up in the same place. What about our relationship with God?  Will it be the same this year as it was last year? Have you taken a notion to do better, or is your notion in motion? Has the resolution you made to intensify your bible knowledge and participation in the church remained a simple notion or have you actually begun to put your notion in motion? As Christians, we remember the words of James which remind us that faith without works is dead. Let’s plan to increase our spirituality and service this year by enlarging our spiritual territory. When we do, God has promised that his kindness will not depart from us.

Excerpt from my message “From Notion to Motion”.

2011 was an incredible year full of adventure with the Lord.  We preached the gospel in 22 nations, we saw thousands coming to Christ and getting their life right with God.  We also saw thousands being encouraged in their faith and equipped.  We saw God perform many unusual miracles  

With our social outreach, ‘Bridge of Hope’, we were able to change lives by building water wells, providing food and shelter, help buy materials for church buildings, sponsor schools, buy bibles for those in need in poor nations, and many other things. 

‘You Too Can Be Used By God’ and ‘Keys to Receiving Your Miracles’ were translated and released in different languages.

Through our apostolic ministry we continue to minister to pastors and leaders around the world at a growing pace.  The ministry is rapidly growing and we are thankful that we have been able to preach the gospel in over 87 nations on 6 continents.

We would have never been able to do all of this without God’s power, strength, favor and blessings.  We want to give God all the glory!   He is able and awesome! 

We also couldn’t have done it without our partners; it’s because of your financial support that we are able to impact the nations.  You are a part of the harvest of this ministry.  We love and appreciate you!

We also couldn’t have done it without our intercessors.  No prayer… no power.  Lots of prayer… lots of power!  Thank God for all the intercessors on the prayer shield network, F 16 and all the people and different churches that are praying for us. 

We are very excited for 2012.  It’s going to be even a greater year.  We expect to move from faith to faith, from glory to glory.  We are going to start the year with ‘Mission America’, preaching the gospel in 15 cities in America, then off to India, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.

The rest of our schedule can be found on our website on the itinerary link.  We are also planning to go to South Africa; Eastern Europe: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; Western Europe: Belgium, Holland, Finland, England; and South East Asia: Singapore and Malaysia. 

We also have many social programs planned with our ‘Bridge of Hope’; we plan to help the disadvantaged in the following nations: Sri Lanka, Senegal, Slovakia, as well as other nations.   

We want to ask you to prayerfully consider becoming a partner with us in 2012.  You can give cash, by credit card, check or wire transfer.  Your support of any kind is welcome and appreciated.

Love and every blessing

Guy & Ilke

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