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News Update September 2011: Asia: Indonesia - Singapore - Malaysia

Dear Friends

As we just returned from an awesome trip in the Far East in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia, God has been stirring my heart about teaching people on how to overcome rejection and how we can correct a mistaken identity.

Have you’ve ever felt rejected….welcome to the club.  We all have!  The greatest people who have ever lived have had to deal with rejection.  It’s a fact of life.  Jesus was rejected; Moses was rejected by the people he was called to deliver; Joseph was rejected by his own brothers; David was rejected by Saul.  The one person David was looking up to, the one that was supposed to be his leader was the one that started to compete with him and wanted to spiritually and physically assassinate him.  So don't be surprised when it happens to you.

Not everyone will appreciate what you do. But go on with your life anyway. You can’t spend the rest of your life cowering in fear because someone out there doesn’t believe in who you are. Forget them!  Stop trying to be what other people want you to be. And start being what God wants you to be.  If not, you will turn a minor offense into a major offense, a minor issue into a major issue and this could cause a lot of problems in your marriage, church and relationships.  When you start being what God wants you to be will help you correct a mistaken identity.


Sometimes some people in your life reject you because your success shines a spotlight on their defeat and your blessings will shine a spotlight on their curses.


To overcome rejection, you need to be able to put “man's” opinion into perspective. For some people, all that matters is popularity. "What will other people think of me?  What if I don’t do what he/she wants me to do?  What if he/she rejects me?  What if I fail?  What if things don’t work out?"  Jesus did not fall into the trap of feeling responsible for others people's opinion or feelings. He did not fall in the trap of trying to justify Himself, He was Himself.  Put God first, that's the only way you’re going to be able to overcome rejection. You’re going to have to start living your life for an audience of one - God.  God must come first in your life if you are going to overcome the fear of the rejection of “man”.  The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. (Psalm 118:22 NKJV)


However sometimes rejection is protection.  When people reject you it is because God is trying to protect you from an abortionist. Some people are spiritual midwives but some people are spiritual abortionists.  Abortionists kill your destiny, but midwives help bring it forth.


Know who you are in Christ! 


This is an excerpt from my message: “Overcoming Rejection!  Correct a mistaken identity!”


Our 6 weeks of ministry in the Far East was amazing, we did a range of ministry: church services, radio interviews, preaching on the radio, miracle rallies, marriage seminar, youth meeting, marketplace ministry (ministering to business men and women), conferences, leadership training, training intercessors and Ilke did several women’s meetings.  It was an amazing time where we saw the Lord confirm His Word with signs, wonders and miracles: opening the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf.  We saw thousands coming to the Lord and we saw many Christians and pastors and church leaders encouraged.


We had a great time of ministry in Indonesia - the largest populated Muslim country in the world.  We ministered every day in a different city or village, sometimes twice a day.  The Indonesian people are very hungry for God and they are a very kind people.  What we learned is that they eat everything that has 4 legs (dogs, rats, etc.…) except tables and everything that flies (birds, bats, etc…) except airplanes. We saw the power of God move in some villages even the chief of 1 village was touched and healed.


We had a great time in Singapore.  We mostly ministered to business people during the week and ministered in churches on the weekends.  It’s so great to see that business people are taking the message of the gospel in the marketplace of the world.  We also enjoyed meeting many of our friends.  Thanks for the great hospitality.


In Malaysia we went to many different churches.  At Grace Assembly, hundreds responded to the altar call to get right with God.  At City Harvest it was so great to see so many young people as I taught on ‘Kingdom Economics and Demonic Systems’.  We also did a 3 day seminar on the supernatural at Christ Lutheran Church - Ilke and I had a great time preaching there.  The people were so receptive and there was an amazing move of the Holy Spirit with operations of the Holy Spirit.  The pastors were so happy and blessed and are asking us to come back next year.  We were also in another city in the south of Malaysia - in Malacca where we had a great time ministering to a Chinese congregation.  We also met with many of our friends.  It feels so good to have a spiritual family around the world and great friends!


We thank God for such an amazing time of ministry and for all our partners and intercessors.  You are a great part of it!  We love and appreciate y’all!


We will be going to Europe to start a tour of 3 weeks in Finland.  Our schedule is:


October 21 - November 7

October 22 - 25

October 26 - 30

November 1 - 3

November 4 - 6


Tour in Finland

Helsinki Missio church - Helsinki

Kuopio Pentecostal Church - Kuopio

Katukapelli - Hervanta

Kotka Pentecostal Church – Kotka


Love and every blessing,


Guy & Ilke


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    Voodoo Lyrics by Badshah ft. J Balvin, Tainy is latest Hindi rap song sung by Badshah, J Balvin, Tainy and music of this brand new song is also given by Badshah.
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