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News Update - December : Philippines

Dear Friends:

We just finished our Asia tour in the Philippines. From the moment we arrived everything was not working in our favor. There was a lot of resistance. The week before we arrived there was a big monsoon in Isabella, the place where our first ministry time was scheduled for a gathering and training session for pastors. The whole place was flooded. We spend the night in Manila expecting to fly the next morning to Isabella for the first day of the conference. After spending 4 hours at the Manila airport we were told that our flight was cancelled. We were really tested. We had to rent a minivan and drive the whole night from 7pm to 6am. That same morning I had to do my first training session at 8 am. People from 3 Provinces were waiting for a day already, as we missed the first day. Being tired physically, as I only had 1 hour of sleep with traveling on the rough roads all night, the Lord was my strength and gave me supernatural strength to preach for 3 hours in 2 sessions that same morning and in another session in the evening. The greater the battle, the greater the victory! The place was electrified. Over 1300 pastors and over 2000 delegates attended the conference. The Holy Spirit moved and ministered powerfully through us. My wife Ilke also preached and ministered to the pastors. Throughout the conference there was a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God and many were touched and healed in different services. Wednesday night, the last day of the conference, was the climax as I preached on the "Fire Of God", the fire of God really descended. It was amazing to stand there at the altar and watch pastors weeping at the altar before God. For over an hour there were different manifestations: joy, laughter, weeping, shaking, screaming, people on the floor, different ones received visions from the Lord. The pastors said in the 15 years since they have had this conference, they never experienced the fire of God like that. They said it was the fulfillment of prophecy. When their facility was built 10 years ago, they decided to call it "Fire Center", but the pastor said that they never really experienced the fire and that they were disappointed. They said that God heard their prayer and cries and that he answered with fire during this conference.

Training over 1 300 pastors from 3 provinces in the Philippines. 


Praying for the fire of God in Santiago.

During the conference we had a special meeting with pastors from the tribal remote areas. These pastors do not receive any support from anybody. We encouraged them and prayed for them and sowed financial blessings in their lives. Many of them broke down crying, testifying they didn't have the money to go back. Some didn't have the money for next month. They were so grateful that God provided through us. We thank God for our Bridge of Hope program. The Lord gave us a vision to help tribal pastors that don't have any sponsors. We were so blessed to see them being blessed.

Pastors from remote villages that we sponsored.

From Santiago City, Isabella, we drove 5 hours to Baguio City, the highest city in the Philippines, on top of a mountain. We had a great gathering, many got saved. From Baguio we drove to Caba where many churches from different villages and cities came together. I taught on prophetic understanding and breakthrough and victory in the middle of the storm. We prayed for the pastors and the people. The Spirit of God moved mightily. From Caba we went to San Fernando where we had an awesome time. It was the church's 20th anniversary, all the daughter and granddaughter churches came together. I preached and taught on missions. The theme was missions and miracles are inseparable. We had a special time of commissioning believers to go and fulfill the great commission. It was awesome to see God move. We had a special time of prayer for the youth; many were touched by God's power. The mayor of a nearby city came for prayer for healing.

Commissioning believers and pastors from 24 churches in San Fernando.

We want to thank God for everything that He did, for his protection and power. We give him all the glory.

We want to thank Pastor Lumahan for organizing and facilitating our coming and thank all our intercessors and partners. We couldn't have done it without all your help.

The Lord has been speaking to us about the East. We are going to have a special emphasis in the near future on the East in our ministry. Please pray for this heavenly vision. The countries that we are praying about are the following: Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. We are calling this "Operation Look to the East". In 2010 we will do a big tour in Southeast Asia. Please pray for the preparation that has been set in motion now.

Please keep us in your prayers as we finish this ministry season resting and praying for our next assignment.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh

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