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Newsletter - January 2007

Dear Friends:

After spending a couple of weeks in Europe during the Christmas break we returned home the first week of January. We started our year with a season of prayer and fasting and we can already see the hand of God move on our prayer requests. We started our ministry season this year in West Colombia, Texas at the Gulf Christian Center and in Tampa, Florida at Word of Life Christian Center where we had some great and powerful meetings. We also took a couple of days to rest in Orlando, Florida.

Pic 1: Miracle moments: the power of God fell in our meetings in Ohio USA, many were slain in the Spirit without receiving the laying on hands

In the beginning of the year people often make New Year's resolutions and are looking for prophetic insight for the future. For us, this time we feel called to go to a deeper level of consecration to the Lord. So many great doors have been opened for us. We want to go through these doors with a mandate from heaven for each nation, city and church that we will minister to in 2007.

We are also emphasizing prayer support. We have a strong prayer life but I was amazed as my wife and I were reading through Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, I Timothy and II Timothy that the Holy Spirit brought to my attention how many times the apostle Paul asked for prayer. Paul's multiple requests for prayer inspired us to launch a new prayer network. We are believing God for a thousand or more intercessors.

Pic 2: Miracle moments in Pakistan: this woman came paralyzed and could not walk in our healing crusade, God touched her and now she can walk.

Pic 3: Altar call in West Colombia: many were touched by the power of God.

This will not just be for us but also for the many prayer requests that we receive on a daily basis from around the world. If you are interested in joining the Prayer Shield Network you can sign up by clicking on the prayer link above this letter. Very soon we will send you more information regarding this new Prayer Shield Network.

Our full schedule for this year is on the website. We are emphasizing the USA before launching on our 14 nation tour. If we come near to your city feel free to contact us.


We hope to see you at one of these events!

Many blessings,
Guy and Ilke

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