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Fear, the greatest Enemy of Human Personality

Fear disturbs our days, haunts our nights, and tangles the mind with obsessions.  It draws our energy, destroys inner peace, reduces our effectiveness, frustrates ambition and makes life hell.

There is an antidote to this plague.  It is a medicine in the form of words.  If we allow them to sink deeply into our minds by a process of intellectual and spiritual osmosis, their healing potency will penetrate into the fear - infected areas and drive away the infection.  What are these words?  "For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind." (II Timothy 1:7)

Have faith in God. He is right there with you. He will never leave you or forsake you.

The power of Faith! Let this one idea pass through your mind until it arrives at the infection point caused by fear.  I do not fear anyone or anything because God is with me.

Consider asking God to guide you and show you His best as you follow this week's Action Steps:

1. Take time right now and each morning this week to visualize, "God is for me". Really see God being for you and visualize how much God loves you! If you believe God is for you, who can be against you?

2. Practice believing. To believe means to think again and again. Believe that things will turn out for your good.  Not everything is good for you, but with faith in God it will turn for your good.