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Find Excitement, Discover the Secret

Practice excitement and you will soon be excited.  A viable method of this practice is to deliberately think in terms of how exciting life is.  Be a lover of God, of life and of people.  Practice the enjoyment of the little things; like a sunrise that backlights the clouds and turns them red.  Look for beauty daily in everything.  The practice of excitement will bring anyone out of the doldrums of downbeat thinking and lift them into the excitement of the moment.

Discover the secret.  The basic secret of Christianity is not effort or willpower. Although they are important, the secret is faith.  The struggle that the Bible urges is to exert the effort to believe.  By doing so, you become a channel through which God's power and presence can flow.  Whatever the problem, no matter how difficult, you can release spiritual power sufficient enough to solve your problems.  The secret is to pray and believe.

Consider asking God to guide you and show you His best as you follow this week's Action Steps:

1. Take time right now and each morning this week to visualize, "God is for me". Really see God being for you and visualize how much God loves you! If you believe God is for you, who can be against you?

2. Your excitement is independent of your circumstance. Find excitement within you by seeing the excitement around you.  Believe and trust that God is working all things for your good.