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Take the Worry out of Worry

The word worry comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word, meaning to choke or strangle.It can choke the joy of living right out of us. It also chokes off creative power that can improve our condition. When worry becomes acute, it can clamp down our minds like a vise and stop all rational thinking.

How can we take the worry out of worry? Take the illusion out of it. Lay it out, dissect it and analyze it. If we will do this with clear, cool and rational thinking we will find that nine times out of ten there won't be much left. Another way to take the worry out of worry is through diversion, which means to turn away from it. Our minds are designed so that they cannot hold more than one idea at a time. You cannot hold more than one idea at a time. You cannot actively worry and focus on something else. So if worry has had a grip, go do something you like! Dig in the garden, play golf, sing a song, bake a cake or go to a movie.

The best way to take the worry out of worry is to daily have a mental picture of Jesus as your best friend. Paint a portrait in your mind of Him. Fill in the details, His compassion, caring and forgiveness. He is with you. Repeat the saying of Emerson, "All I've seen has taught me to trust my creator for all I haven't seen".Do the best you can and then leave the rest to God!