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What makes you Upset?

There are many things that upset us, such as making a foolish mistake, facing an unexpected blast of anger from someone, having our day interrupted by time consuming situations that seem minor.  But what really upsets all of us is having our motives questioned or misinterpreted and at the same time being criticized by those around us.   All of us to a degree or more have faced this.  The question is what can we or what should we do when we feel our motives and actions are being called into question?   

First, agree with your critics.  If you agree with them what more can they say?  By agreeing you remove them as your critic.  Remember the tendency is to argue back and create self justification which blurs your judgment.  Their criticism is their perception of what happens; by you agreeing with them will cause them to see it different.

Second, make yourself become analytical and objective.  This will extract the heat out of your emotions, cool you down so your attitudes can be normal and your mind will think clear.

 How do you become analytical and objective? Go through four questions:

 1) Is it true or false?

2) Who said it?

3) Is their opinion of any value?

4) Are they an honest or a prejudiced critic?

Lastly, Matthew 5:44 - Love, bless, do good and pray for them.  These four actions will reverse your emotions and often reverse the situation.

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