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Solutions for stress

A news article several years ago said the following, "Man is entering the atomic age, with his thoughts and the control of his emotions at stone age level. Panic keeps breaking through. Anxiety is the sickness of our time but instead of trying to show patients how to cope intelligently with their fears, doctors are prescribing more and more dope, aided and abetted by the drug companies".

Time Magazine said, "After checking the health of more than 25,000 executives averaging forty five years old, New York's life extension examiners found that only 20% were in normal health".

A doctor from Canada was reported as saying that heart attacks nearly always occur at times of high emotional tension. Jobs and family stresses are the big factors. Our trouble is that we push too hard. We have become an over tense high strung people. So what can be done and what can we do? Plenty, in fact it's up to us. Emerson said, "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself". Let's start by eliminating all disorganizing thoughts, such as hate, fear, worry, ill will, resentment, etc. Get rid of disease thinking. Another useful practice is when you're facing upsetting situations don't work yourself up into an emotional state, but ask yourself what you can do about it, then start doing the wisest thing you can think of.

Finally, memorize peacefulness. Store up in your memory, scenes of peace and quietness. In times of stress and anxiety bring them out and let them pass as pictures across your mind. You will notice the return of the emotions you had during this event.

Consider asking God to guide you and show you His best as you follow this week's Action Steps:

  1. Take time right now and each morning this week to visualize, "God is for me". Really see God being for you and visualize how much God loves you! If you believe God is for you, who can be against you?

  2. Remove from your mind all disease thinking.

  3. Ask yourself, what is the best thing I can do to help this situation? Then do it!

  4. Recall to memory some of the greatest and most peaceful times of your life. Visualize them again and joy and peace will return.

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