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News Update June 2009 - Central Europe

Dear friends

We need remove stress and tension from our lives. Stress and tension is the number one problem today. We have become a high-strung generation. Today many people are filled with nervous exhaustion from stress and tension, which has opened a Pandora's Box of physical, emotional and marital problems. Years ago the tire industry learned that to make efficient tires they had to absorb road shock rather than resist it! The time has come for us to learn to relax and absorb tension rather than rigidly battle it. Therefore, the question is how do we do that. The answer lies in a change of perception; one's perception of themselves, of life and of God. St. Theresa from the sixteenth century said, "Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you. Everything passes away except God, God alone is sufficient". Another excellent technique for overcoming stress and tension is the practice of silence. There is healing power in silence. Go to a quiet place, do not talk, do not do anything. Just think about God's goodness. Carlyle declares, "Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together". During this quiet time put your problems into the hands of God, hold it in your conscious mind then for a moment think of the problem as solved in God's way. Relax and believe that the healing peace of God is touching your mind, those blocks, which have prevented guidance, are removing themselves. Rest your mind, body and soul in the Lord and let His guidance emerge.

We just returned from a 2 months tour in Central Europe and the Baltic States. In the past 2 newsletters we gave you a report about the Baltic States, in this letter we want to share with you a bit about our time in Central Europe. We began our tour in Holland in Nijkerk with our good friends Johan and Willemijn. They are doing a terrific job bringing people out of the drug culture, from the streets and building a bridge to help them start a new life. They really love the Holy Ghost and are totally on fire. For our outreach in their city they saturated the entire city with posters. This created a stirring in the whole city. Pastor Johan was even physically attacked by a man while he was putting posters all over the city. This brought people to the meetings that had never been to church. We had some amazing meetings. The power of God came down really hard and sometimes people were scarred and they would run to the back of the building. In 1 service there was no preaching, just the operation of the gifts of the Spirit. Ilke had a powerful woman’s meeting. Many women were touched. I also did some leadership training to help.

After Holland we were in London, England. We ministered at a Resurrection Reality Easter Conference. I was preaching on unusual miracles, many received unusual miracles.

After England we ministered in Belgium in 4 cities, it was very exciting for us to reach people of Ilke’s home land. We were blessed to see many people encouraged. We also conducted a conference at the second largest church in Belgium, pastored by Dr. Kibitu, a solid man of God with a great church. We felt a real Kingdom connection with him and believe that God has a great plan as we go forward. We also spoke in Rotterdam, Holland, it was awesome to preach on the supernatural and see so many people impacted.

God is really doing something in our ministry in Europe. He has raised up intercessors that gather regularly to pray for us. Special thanks to Brigiet who spearheads the F16 prayer group and to all the intercessors in Belgium that are part of this wonderful prayer team. Thanks to all our intercessors around the world on the prayer shield network. You prayers are making the difference. We also want to thank our partners. This is the fruit of your support.

We are happy to be home for 2 weeks, catching up and working on our next book.

Picture 1: Miracle service in Brussels, Belgium

Picture 2: Ilke translating Guy in Kortrijk, Belgium

Picture 3: Altar call

Picture 4: Nijkerk, Holland, the city was inundated with advertisement.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings


Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh