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I am a born again christian and a member of the Durban Christian Centre, International Church. My husband and I attended the Jesus 2004 conference, It was indeed a privilage to be part of your audience. Your preachings/teachings are spiritually fulfilling and very much relevant to today's world and church community. I was particularly touched by your preachings on synergy, they made me realise that we have indeed been given power and authority and that with God all things are possible. Your frequent use of profound examples to illustrate simple biblical truths was amazing, I have always known about those truth but never took them "seriously" Your preaching on synergy has made me realise that God's Word is relevant and applicable today as it was ages ago. It was a blessing to have you in our midst, we give God all the glory and "thank you for your enthusiasm!!" Be blessed in Christ and abide in Him always Vuyo

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVuyokazi Ngwenya

Blessings man of God !!!! im praying that you can come to boras sweden and have some meetings thanks for your love in FINLAND IT WAS SO GOOD TO MEET YOU love you Leo The River in BORAS ,Sweden

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPASTOR LEO HARTIKAINEN

Pray FOR MY DAUGHTER WHO NEEDS GODS HELP TO QUIT SMOKING & TO HEAL HER LUNGS. She also needs christ in her life.My husband needs healingfor his legs & feet'& I need healing for my stomach.Also my sister needs prayer for her legs. God Bless you in your work for the lord. Thank YOU Shirley Keeton

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShirley Keeton

I have a history of migraine headaches accompanied with nausea. Over-the-counter and perscription medications were ineffective in treating the headaches that sometimes lasted several days. After suffering all day, I went to an evening service, and was healed just a half hour into the service. The presence of God was so real, I was healed before even before prayer. Praise God!

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoretta Coblentz

thank you for coming to smithville ohio and ministering to us may yeshua bless you.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfreda geiser

Hi Guy! I finally have gotten around to looking up your website...very nice! Trusting God will continue to work through you and in you. Do put me on your mailing list as I will pray... Feel a hug! Love you, Linda

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLinda Ann Bilton

Guy, You came to Lighthouse Christian Fellowship on June 13th and 14th, 2004. On Sunday morning you called out a person with a digestive problem. I have been having problems for a long time. In 1996 doctors said by taking my gulbladder out it would help. It only got worse. In April 2003 it was extremely bad. I would eat food and within 15 to 20 minutes I had to use a restroom. I really couldn't go anywhere without knowing where the bathrooms were. I didn't want to go out to shop or even out to eat. My doctors put me on medicine and it would help but when I found out that if you take the medication for long periods of time it could cause bleeding on the brain I stopped taking it. My family doctor sent me to a specialist and he said I have microscopic-colitis. He have me some medicine and it worked for a little bit and then it quit working. I found out it was a steroid and it had other side effects so I quit taking it and of course it got worse again. When you called out a person with digestive problems I went forward. I knew the Lord could heal me and I believed He would. When the service was over I asked my husband if we could go out to eat. We went and ate and I had no problem. I have been able to eat and go shopping and not have to worry about where the bathrooms are. I praise God for healing me and thank you for being sensitive to the Spirit.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJanet Miller

We are involved inreconciliation in South Africa. The Lord called us to bring heart connections between people who suffered because of ethnic divisions. May the Lord bless and use you even more!

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFanie & Mada Engelbrecht

God heals, restores, completes!

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMorne Ahlers

God keeps blessing me through your Ministry. Stay in the blessing!!!

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristof Maletsky

Hi Guypeh, This is Angie from LightHouse Christian Fellowship,figured i would check out your website,i really like it alot.I added it to my FAVORITES. God Bless You in a MIGHTY way! Angie

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAngie McCartney

Hello Guy! Greeting from Finland! I wait to see you again soon. Wellcome back to Finland and God pless you brother! - Rami

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRami

hiya guy, howz u! hope you had a good time in england. im hannah the girl who you was teaching to fight it was fun! i think you should put your stories on here before you was a christians the ones when you used to beat people up because they were well good and there really funny! i like your website please email me back love from hannah xxxxxxx

Hi, Many thanks for your visit to Sein?joki. I experienced a great touch of Holy Ghost through your ministry. Hopefully we see you soon here again ! God bless you !

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAri Norolampi

Please join me in prayer for Barbara Sanford who has been diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer and Carl Enoch who has progressive Alzheimers disease. Thank you! Gaivelle

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGaivelle Carouthers

you are still in finland aren't you? I'd love to come and see you preaching. god bless you all.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKatri Horelli

I just heard a message from you for the first time today. Talking about when man says no God says yes. It is not no until God says no. Thank you for your obedience. Pray for me...and my husband is in the ministry and we are believing God for a healing my my body and also a healing in my body to conceive a child. God even gave us her name..Bethany Grace... Thank you and God Bless You.

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDiane Wilson

this man is a mighty mighty man of god and it is not a joke he has the annointing and is a mighty prayer warrior that can bring the presence of god into any place . and if you have the chance to meet this man you will truly be blessed . if you want to hear what he has done for me i could tell you but guy or the "guymeister" as i caLL him trullywill show you things you could never see .

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkendall sowders

Dear Guy Peh, I was the one who asked you about the key for intimacy with Jesus at the end of a youth meeting that was held in Finland on the 14th of May.I thank you for giving your time to speak to my friend and I. I went to your web site and listened to your 2 teachings live on real player today. WOW!!!As you were telling about raising that woman from death, I was jumping up and down in my room. I am so excited about what God is doing through His faithful servants like you. Glory to GOd!!! I thank God for giving you the call for Finland to bring His life to the lost and to raise the faith of His people. Glory to God!!!!!Thank you for being obedient to His voice!!!

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMerja Iivonen

Hello Guy Peh, You was here at our school 14.5.2004 in the evening.There was many young people who gave there lifes to Jesus. I want you to remember us in your prayrs that we can stand by and help theese youngsters. My own girl was touched by God that night. We would love to see you again next year..we will remember you and your family in our praers. God bless you!!! Regards from my husband Joni Blomerus

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSari Blomerus

Hello! Today, I had the opportunity to hear Bro. Guy preach the word of God. Let me tell you, if you have not had this opportunity of him coming to your, he's got a GREAT word from God to give to you! For closing the service, God began speaking to him of some sickness problems, and while I was listening, God had told him of my problem: hard of hearing. For a while, I wasn't sure if God was getting to me, or if by chance someone else had the same problem. But as soon as I heard Guy saying these things that I have, my body got cold all over and had chill bumps. I was frozen and just like, WOW. So finally, I figured it was me, and go to the altar to be healed, along with several others God had spoken to to be healed through Guy. With the FRESH breath of God I inhaled, I was healed. I praise God for His miraculous works and the healing He has. Thank Father for sending Bro. Guy to us. He has a major impact on several people! Thank you Father God that You have healed me!!

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBeki Ervin

Hi Guy!! Keep spreading the Word and make the Lord proud! God Bless you! Paisha

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaisha Chadwick

Hey Guy! It's Carolyn. E-mail me sometime.

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarolyn and Jerry Schenk

Dear Guy, My prayer before I entered the Sunday morning service with you was "If you heal me Oh Lord, I Shall Be Healed." Thank you Guy, for allowing God to use you so that I could receive my FULL Healing from Diabetes on Sunday April 18, 2004 at Raleigh Internation Church (RIC). Thank you Lord. I'm HEALED!

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeborah M. Jones

He Guy! Greetings from Raleigh NC! I wanted to say thanks again for letting the Lord use you across the nations!I do pray that God would use me to help heal and deliver people also.That is my hearts desire.Please pray for me that I have that boldness and the humility and that I never try to take the glory for what GOD does through my life.God Bless you and keep you throughout your ministry and if we never see you again here,I will see you in GLORY!

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterleslie brown

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