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Go Forward

"Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press towards..." (Philippines 3:13-14).

Fill your mind with hopeful, helpful and positive thoughts.  Do not keep troubles to yourself.  Find release through confession to God and a trusted friend, then, forgive yourself.  March straight ahead because life always lies ahead.

Learn the following 10 very simple words that can change your life..."If God be for us, who can be against us."  These 10 words from the Bible contain the basic solution to inferiority.  They represent one of the greatest of all spiritual and psychological facts that will release your personality; the thought of God's presence.  Walk towards the sun, never away and your past shadows will be behind you.

Consider asking God to guide you and show you His best as you follow this week's Action Steps:

1. Take time right now and each morning this week to visualize, "God is for me". Really see God being for you and visualize how much God loves you! If you believe God is for you, who can be against you?

2.   If you practice believing that God is with you and nothing can be against you. Believe means to think again and again.