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The Elimination of Depression

A medical doctor in Alabama said, "75% of my patients do not need the surgeons knife or medicine, they need God". In short he was saying that much of the illness today is due to unhealthy thoughts which occupy our minds. You can make yourself sick by wrong thinking and you can make yourself well by right thinking. We need God's help in clearing away unhealthy thoughts and establishing a pattern of right thinking. "That you put off the former way of thinking of the old man and put on the thinking of the new man". (Ephesians 4:22 & 24)

When you think unpleasant thoughts and emotions of anxiety, fear, apprehension, depression and disappointment, replace it with the pleasant thoughts and emotions of confidence, assurance, expectancy, joy and hope. Study your thoughts, write them down, and analyze them. Are they creative or destructive, positive or negative, critical or uplifting?

Always remember that most depression is an attitude of mind. We become depressed because our thoughts are depressed. How do we change it? We change it by passing through our mind thoughts of faith. This must be done consistently and with great perseverance until it takes hold. Faith, hope and love are stronger than depression fear and worry. One of the greatest thoughts we can ever hold in our minds is the simple concept that God cares for us and will see us through and He is always with us. When these sink deep into our conscious and subconscious mind it produces a great inner strength and freedom. It causes faith to be placed in Him and an inner knowledge that every thing will work out good.

Consider asking God to guide you and show you His best as you follow this week's Action Steps:

  1. Take time right now and each morning this week to visualize, "God is for me". Really see God being for you and visualize how much God loves you! If you believe God is for you, who can be against you?

  2. Analyze your thoughts, write them down. From this simple act you can discover where most of your problems are coming from.

  3. Practice thought replacement. We sag because our thoughts sag. We become tired and depressed because our thoughts have become tired and depressed. Replace them with God's thoughts; faith, hope and love.

  4. Don't give up. You will see results and a profound change will occur in your personality.