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Association brings Manifestation

The secret of Joshua was his association with Moses. The secret of the double-portion anointing on Elisha was his relationship with Elijah. The secret of Samuel was his association with Eli. The secret of Timothy was his association with Paul. The secret of the 12 unlearned men who turned the world upside down was their association with Jesus.

Association Brings Manifestation!

Some people have negative and pessimistic faith. They have the full assurance that no matter what you try, you will fail. Other people have faith in God and believe that you can receive your miracle. There are dream killers and dream makers. You need to know who they are in your life. You need to shift some people out, and shift some people in by adding or removing people in your relationship circle. When you need a miracle from God, the people around you can influence your life positively are negatively.