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How to Have New Energy

How we think we feel has a definite affect on how we actually physically feel. If your mind tells you that you are tired, the body, the nerves accept the fact. New research suggests that as much as 87% of all illness is psychosomatic; which means our thoughts make us physically sick. The research pointed out that negative thoughts of worry, fear and stress release chemicals which attack our cells from the inside out making us more susceptible to sickness.  However, positive thoughts release other chemicals in our body that make us feel better and build our cells up from the inside out... (Deadly Emotions by Dr. Don Colbert). The Bible has said for thousands of years, "A cheerful heart is good medicine..."  (Proverbs 17:22,NLT).

Jesus said, "These things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full..." (John 15:11 NKJV). Joy is a freeing agent in our minds.  Joy can make you feel better physically, bring back your creativity and cause a release of new energy.  What are the things of which Jesus spoke that can bring a fullness of joy?  They can be summed up in three words. Three words that meditated upon daily can release your personality and potential. What are these three words?
Faith, hope and love!  Faith is the practice of trust, courage and confidence that your life is in God's hands and in His promises; to know God is working it out for your good.  Hope, that the future is radiant.  Love, to see everyone not through the eyes of criticism, but compassion.